Mentorship Program
BTC is pleased to offer a mentoring program again for the season ahead. In our mentoring program, veteran BTC members who are experienced triathletes provide support and encouragement to newer BTC members who are less experienced triathletes. Members interested in serving as mentors or having mentors should indicate their interest upon registering for the season ahead. Mentoring requests must be made by June 15, and matches will be fulfilled by the end of June.
What our mentorship program is:
An opportunity for a veteran, experienced BTC member to offer support and encouragement to a newer, less experienced member.
An opportunity for a less experienced triathlete to seek advice from and ask questions of a more experienced triathlete.
An opportunity for an experienced member and a less experienced member to informally meet and/or train together a minimum of three times during the season, perhaps at a BTC open water swim or on a club ride or group run.
What our mentorship program is not:
Our mentoring program IS NOT a triathlon training program.
Our mentoring program IS NOT an individualized coaching program.
Questions regarding the BTC Mentoring Program should be directed to:
Kathy Meany: